For the 4th of July we had a bbq and a house fire (no relation). The result is the insurance company took all my yarn and knitting to be cleaned. There are rumors that I will be getting my yarn back sometime soon, which is good, I have been going into withdrawl.
I had a brilliant idea for a book in my yarn deprived state. A book about personal tradgedy, the Red Cross, inspiration and of course knitting. So I have and Intro and first chapter to write before I go looking for a publisher but I think I have a winner :)
Temperama Knits
Saturday, August 6, 2011
Saturday, April 23, 2011
Say Hello to Charlie!
I have named my newest design after Charlie Dimmock of 'Ground Force' fame. She is the perfect inspiration for a light summer tank in a cool blue with bright accents. Unfortunately I think I will have to wear a bra under it unlike my hero.
Sometimes things just click, inspiration and ideas snap together and viola everything works. We like when that happens. Other times it is a work in progress, you get a bit here and a bit there and then you have to start over. Either way the end result is what we designers live for, that moment when our baby is born into the world ready to be shared with others.
Personally I have always wanted a large family. :)
Sometimes things just click, inspiration and ideas snap together and viola everything works. We like when that happens. Other times it is a work in progress, you get a bit here and a bit there and then you have to start over. Either way the end result is what we designers live for, that moment when our baby is born into the world ready to be shared with others.
Personally I have always wanted a large family. :)
Tuesday, April 19, 2011
Man Knits
I have been trying to come up with a design for men to showcase some bamboo yarn, heck at this point any yarn. And you know I have come to the realization that men just aren't that fun to knit for unless you like cables or color work. As you may have guessed I like neither.
No lace or ruffles or flounces for men, no it is all solid stodgy macho stuff. I am getting a little stressed by the whole thing to be honest. I have several ideas for manly scarves but I was really wanting something a little more sweatery. I think I am going to settle for a good old fashioned V-neck sweater vest with interesting patterns and textures. Or maybe a fun vest, if I can keep it from looking too odd.
In my head though I will be designing a crop hoody with lace. Know of a guy who would model it for me?
No lace or ruffles or flounces for men, no it is all solid stodgy macho stuff. I am getting a little stressed by the whole thing to be honest. I have several ideas for manly scarves but I was really wanting something a little more sweatery. I think I am going to settle for a good old fashioned V-neck sweater vest with interesting patterns and textures. Or maybe a fun vest, if I can keep it from looking too odd.
In my head though I will be designing a crop hoody with lace. Know of a guy who would model it for me?
Thursday, April 14, 2011
Gummi Bears for DPNs

They were part of a gift bag I won as a door prize full of handy bits and bobs from Skacel and Addi Turbo. Some very neat things where included but the Addi Teddy Bear Needle Huggers were by far the neatest.
Rangling my DPNs has been an issue the past several months as I had projects on a variety of needles. Honestly my current solutions are just not adequate.
I have a box for long Term storage and a pencil holder for quick use, neither of these qualifies as 'organized'. I am planning a trip to the container store to see what goodies they have.
What I would really like is a tube or other appropriated sized / shaped container for each DPN gauge. That way i can label them and keep them together for easy use.
As it is now I am thinking I may need to buy more needles to replace ones that have 'disappeared'. I am blaming the cat for the losses rather then my own disorganization.
Monday, April 11, 2011
DFW Fiber Fest
Sunday I attended the DFW Fiber Fest. I was unable to attend any classes because of my work schedule but still managed to have lots of fun. I was amazed at how many people remembered me from last year when I helped Diane of the Fiber Circle in Farmersville with her booth.
Now For the important stuff - LOOT! I went easy this year and only bought a skein of Duet yarn from Brooks Farm in a lovely light green colorway and some bamboo roving from in a luscious Kimono Red. This I gave to my partner in crime Esther to Spin for me, it was much silkier than most bamboo I have seen so I am anxious to see how it turns out.
On that note there is a possibility that I will be working with them in the future to develop patterns for their yarns. How can I resist custom dyed yarn that is perfect for the Texas heat?
Some of my other favorite spots where Butterfly Girl Spindles, pretty and well made, if I spun I would have several of her pieces on hand at all times, as it is I just drop by to drool periodically.
Spinning Straw into Gold is a booth I make multiple stops by despite not being a spinner, just to pat their bats, they are so soft a light, not to mention pretty!
Stone and String Studio and Alisha Goes Rounds had some of the nicest hand dyed yarn. Vibrant colors and some great color ways from both, the Blues and Reds where outstanding!
Woolgatherings had some work baskets that were phenomenal! Definitely on my Xmas list. :) They are all hand made in America by Amish families, how neat is that?
Knotwork has been a favorite booth and website for sometime. They do very pretty and functional items for crafts I wanna do like Bobbin Lace and Tatting. Mainly I like going by to fondle things and dream. As a Bonus they work with Kathy Kirchner who does great bead kits for cute little bags and such. Unfortunately she does not have these posted on her website, if you order the catalog they are listed in there at really great prices.

On that note there is a possibility that I will be working with them in the future to develop patterns for their yarns. How can I resist custom dyed yarn that is perfect for the Texas heat?
Some of my other favorite spots where Butterfly Girl Spindles, pretty and well made, if I spun I would have several of her pieces on hand at all times, as it is I just drop by to drool periodically.
Spinning Straw into Gold is a booth I make multiple stops by despite not being a spinner, just to pat their bats, they are so soft a light, not to mention pretty!
Stone and String Studio and Alisha Goes Rounds had some of the nicest hand dyed yarn. Vibrant colors and some great color ways from both, the Blues and Reds where outstanding!

Knotwork has been a favorite booth and website for sometime. They do very pretty and functional items for crafts I wanna do like Bobbin Lace and Tatting. Mainly I like going by to fondle things and dream. As a Bonus they work with Kathy Kirchner who does great bead kits for cute little bags and such. Unfortunately she does not have these posted on her website, if you order the catalog they are listed in there at really great prices.
Hello World!
Welcome to my design blog dedicated to all things yarny. I hope to have many updates in the future (as well as pictures if I can ever get a decent picture taken), of projects, thoughts and general happenings.
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